Thursday, July 24, 2008

Catching Fish In A Barrel

We are in UT visiting the grandparents, and took the kids to a local trout farm on their first fishing expedition. Emma was great, right out of the gate, and caught 3 fish. Jack did well, catching a couple of his own, but was a little more reserved... We are going to fry them up for dinner tonight - not that I am going to eat any!


gimmegodiva said...

Hey ! I found you!! Cute pictures! Hope you are doing well. I laughed when I read a previous entry about loosing Jack... that happened to us with Holden, only he left the store, walked to the food court (4-5 stores down) to use the bathroom (he was about 3). He said " I just had to go potty". We were about 30 seconds from calling 911. Not fun.

Alisa said...

This is so funny! My kids have fished in the Bay unsuccessfully so many times that they think fishing is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO boring! They definitely would have liked this... looks like you're having fun out there!