Friday, August 1, 2008

Little Monsters

Jack was talking to his grandfather while we were out in UT. He asked Jack how our cat, Buto, is doing. The exchange went like this:

Papa: Jack, so, how is your new kitty doing?
Jack: She's good.
Papa: Oh, that's good.
Jack: Yeah, except when she scratches us.
Papa: Scratches, you? Why would she do that?
Jack: Because we are little monsters...

Apparently, they ARE listening. This is what I them they are when they torture our poor, sweet, innocent cat, who wants nothing more than to play with their toys and go through life unmolested.

1 comment:

Alisa said...

My situation went something like this... power goes out early Sunday morning while Jake and I are chilling out on the couch. TV shuts off. Jake says, (as clear as a bell, like he's said it a million times) "F**king mean guy," since I guess he thought some imaginary mean guy turned off the TV. YES, THEY ARE LISTENING AND WAY, WAY TOO WELL!